Cordelia Chase

Cordelia Chase

Charisma Carpenter

Charisma Carpenter was born on July 23, 1970 in Las Vegas Nevada. Her parents got her name from a brand of Avon perfume from the 70's (Charisma). Her family stayed in Vegas until Charisma was 15, then they moved to San Diego. She graduated from Chula Vista High School for the creative and performing arts, where she studied dance. She also was in beauty pageants when she was younger. As a child, Charisma describes herself as "always in trouble. Bad grades, sneaking out, having boys over when my mom wasn't home". She travelled Europe after graduating high school. When she cam back to the US, she took many jobs to work her way through junior college. She has had jobs in a video store, cheerleading for the San Diego Chargers, teaching aerobics, and waiting tables (that is where she was discovered by an agent). She was working at Mirabelle on Sunset. At first, she wanted to be a teacher. Charisma is very atheletic. She likes outdoor activities like rock climbing, skydiving, running, rollerblading, and horseback riding. Charisma lives in Los Angeles, but eventually she would like to be able to live some where else. Some day, she wants to have a ranch with dogs, horses, kids, and a husband.

Cordelia Chase

In BTVS Charisma Carpenter plays Cordelia Chase. Cordelia is a snobby, rich girl, who takes every chance to make a crack at Xander. Just recently Cordelia's dad lost pretty much all their money so she lost every thing (her car, cell phone, ect.) She was introduced to the gang after buffy saved he so Cordelia knew their secret. She usaully is not very helfull in the slaying she is just there